Abolishment, Biocentrism, Freedom

As a vegan (and straight-edge post-punk) for over 20 years, you have a captivating understanding of what life is like for both newcomers and long-time adherents. Few truly grasp the radical nature of veganism when one deduces its logical conclusions to their utmost extent, delving deeper than the conventional mainstream (vegan) narratives. This philosophy poses the most consequential challenge to the established order, inviting questioning, verbal assault, or even worse, due to the myriad of individuals vested in maintaining the status quo. At times, you may find yourself eager to express your convictions, while at other times, you may prefer to assimilate and "go along with the program." It is from this very notion that the idea to launch V-Camo, a brand that embodies vegan camouflage, emerged, as reflected by its name. We are introducing a burgeoning brand that aligns itself closely with veganism while prioritizing the preservation of nature and wildlife, without compromising on the vital pursuit of eradicating the legality of subjecting animals to a literal, never-ending meatgrinder.
Nature and wildlife serve as our guiding inspiration, not only in the creation of our store's designs but also in our idyllic residence—a small, green hillside oasis spanning 10 hectares amidst a sea of overgrazed meadows in Paraguay, located in the heart of South America. By purchasing from us, you not only support a truly vegan enterprise, but also contribute to the well-being of all creatures that soar, crawl, slither, grow, and roam within our vicinity. They can use our help, particularly considering the visible effects of climate disruption, not to mention the unseen perils that persist.
We extend our gratitude for taking the time to acquaint yourself with our story. Should you desire further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via the various communication channels that we offer.